By Andrea Mazzarino | – ( – Last month, as hundreds of thousands of people showed up for the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., a few miles from my home, I was at a karate dojo testing for my first belt. My fellow practitioners, ranging in age from five into their seventies, looked on […]
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Republican Party
The 13 Countries on Trump’s (mostly) Muslim Ban are little Security Challenge to US, but White Nationalism Is
By Charles Kurzman | – Over the past two decades, how many people have been killed in the U.S. by extremists from the six countries on the Trump administration’s new travel ban list? The answer is zero, according to data I have collected from Department of Justice records and other sources. Immigrants from these countries […]
This is how ancient Rome’s republic died – a classicist sees troubling parallels at Trump’s impeachment trial
By Timothy Joseph | – The U.S. Senate has made its judgment in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, acquitting the president. Fifty two of 53 senators in the Republican majority voted to acquit the president on the abuse of power charge and all 53 Republican senators voted to acquit on the obstruction of […]
Sen. Mitt Romney’s Historic Speech Explaining Why he Voted to Impeach and Remove Trump
Sen. Mitt Romney’s remarks on the impeachment vote on Wednesday are below. He voted to convict Trump and remove him from office, and was the only Republican senator to so vote. It was a profile in courage. “Sen. Mitt Romney’s full speech announcing he will vote to convict Trump” The Constitution is at the foundation […]
The Senate’s Make-Believe Trial of Donald Trump
( – In my 40 years as a lawyer, I’ve never seen a trial flout the basic requirements for fairness so brazenly. By Mitchell Zimmerman | January 28, 2020 President Trump is on trial. As in a real trial, charges have been asserted: the House alleges high crimes and misdemeanors. A judge presides: Chief Justice […]
The Shame of Child Poverty in the Age of Trump: Billionaires Are Soaring, Poor Kids Are Losing More
By Rajan Menon | – ( ) – The plight of impoverished children anywhere should evoke sympathy, exemplifying as it does the suffering of the innocent and defenseless. Poverty among children in a wealthy country like the United States, however, should summon shame and outrage as well. Unlike poor countries (sometimes run by leaders more […]
In Humiliating Rebuke, Arab League and Palestine Slap Down Kushner Plan, as Palestine severs all Relations with US and Israel
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Al Jazeera reports that Palestine president Mahmud Abbas announced Saturday that he has informed the Israeli government and the Trump administration of “a severing of all relations with the two of them, including security relationships.” The move came in response to the Kushner Plan for the Palestinians announced by Trump […]
Lev Parnas’s Letter to Mitch McConnell Alleging he has Information for Trump’s Impeachment Trial
Mirrored from Cloudfront: THE LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH A. BONDY JOSEPH A. BONDY 1776 BROADWAY SUITE 2000 STEPHANIE R. SCHUMAN NEW YORK NY 10019 (OF COUNSEL) TEL 212.219.3572 FAX 212.219.8456 JOSEPHBONDY@MAC.COM January 31, 2020 (By e-mail: Phil Senator Mitch McConnell Senate Majority Leader 317 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC20510 Statement. Regarding Lev Parnas’s […]
With Visa Ban, has Trump’s US just Lost Nigeria to China?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump and his white nationalist pet Stephen Miller have placed Nigeria on their racist visa ban. But Nigeria is not Chad, and there could be serious repercussions for the United States of slapping around Africa’s most important country. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country at over 200 million persons, and […]