By Bonnie Honig | – ( Politics/Letters ) – Watching Trump in Michigan this week talking about Debbie and John Dingell, I was struck by how he spoke the words as well as by what he said. Commentators noted the offenses against Dingell, the universally liked, longest serving Congressman from Michigan, who is recently deceased […]
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Republican Party
Would Refugee Baby Jesus have been Torn from Mary’s Arms by Trump?
Revised Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) | – – In this political season in which refugees have become a political football, it is worthwhile remembering that baby Jesus is depicted by the Bible as being a political refugee not once but twice. NBC reports, “Officials at Customs and Border Protection, the DHS agency responsible for separating […]
Gatsbyed Half to Death: Is America’s Trump Gilded Age another 9/11?
( – Here’s the question at hand — and I guarantee you that you’ll read it here first: Is Donald Trump the second or even possibly the third 9/11? Because truly, he has to be one or the other. Let me explain, and while I do, keep this in mind: as 2019 ends, thanks to […]
A Feminist Alternative to Trump’s Sabre Rattling against Iran
Foreign policy should prioritize the needs of ordinary civilians and civil society — and wars of choice should always be off the table.
Trump is 3rd President in History to be Impeached; But will Senate Remove Him?
By Brendon O’Connor and Daniel Cooper | – The US House of Representatives voted today to impeach President Donald Trump, making him the third president in the history of the United States to be impeached. Last week, the House Judiciary Committee approved two articles of impeachment against President Trump. The first stated that Trump committed […]
Why Dems Missed a Real Opportunity by not Including Trump/ Stormy Daniels in Impeachment
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Early twentieth century humorist Will Rogers once remarked, “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” Nearly a century later, the observation is still true. The Democrats should have added a charge in the impeachment of Trump for the Stormy Daniels scandal. Trump paid […]
Founders: Removal from Office is not the only Purpose of Impeachment
By Clark D. Cunningham< | - As Congress considers formal charges of impeachment against President Donald Trump, they should consider words spoken at the Constitutional Convention, when the Founders explained that impeachment was intended to have many important purposes, not just removing a president from office. A critical debate took place on July 20, 1787, […]
Trump as Jim Jones? How America drank the Kool-Aid
By James A. Haught Cults usually are one-man religions. A magnetic, dictatorial, dogmatic, demagogue draws throngs of followers and leads them into lala-land, sometimes dangerously. Jim Jones took 900 gullible adherents to cyanide suicide. David Koresh brought seventy Branch Davidians to fiery death. Shoko Asahara sent his Supreme Truth believers to plant nerve gas in […]
Did Plato’s Republic warn Democracies about Trump 2,394 Years Ago?
By Matthew Sharpe | – Western philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato, the old saying goes. And The Republic (c. 375 BCE), featuring Plato’s teacher Socrates in dialogue with several friends, is unquestionably central to Plato’s thought. There are few subjects that Plato’s masterpiece does not touch or play on: political theory, education, […]