Jon Stewart/ Stephen Colbert | (The Late Show video Clip) | – – “Some stories, like the ouster of Fox News chairman Roger Ailes, are too big for one late night host to tackle alone.” The Late Show with Stephen Colbert: ” Jon Stewart Takes Over Colbert’s Late Show Desk”
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Republican Party
Top 6 Graphs that Refute Donald Trump’s Lies about the United States
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – AP’s Fact Check found that as usual Donald Trump’s statistics in his GOP acceptance speech are way beyond the ‘damned lies’ level. So here are some illustrative graphs to suggest the level of his duplicity: “Homicides last year increased by 17 percent in America’s 50 largest […]
Mike Pence on the “American Heartland” and the Holy Land
By Shalom Goldman | ( Patheos ) The Republican Party platform, posted last week, gives the American-Israeli relationship considerable space. Pundits in the U.S. and Israel have duly noted the absence in the platform of any reference to a “two-state solution”—a phrase that appeared in the 2012 Republican platform but has now become identified with […]
Secret Service Investigating Trump Advisor who Wants Hillary Clinton Shot for Treason
Wochit News | (Video News Report) | – – “During a radio interview this week. New Hampshire Representative Al Baldasaro, a Trump delegate who reportedly advises the candidate on veterans issues, said that Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason. When contacted by The Boston Globe, Baldasaro stood by […]
Top 4 Republican Plagiarisms of the Democrats
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The scandal over Melania Trump’s stealing Michelle Obama’s lines for her convention speech should make us recall the ways in which GOP strategists have on many occasions stolen a Democratic line but put it to the opposite purpose. But first, it is worth noting that the […]
GOP Convention Opens in City Pillaged by Its Policies
TeleSur | – – Cleveland, once called the Mistake on the Lake, hosts nominating convention of the political party that authored its downfall Just a few miles from downtown Cleveland’s preoccupied hum and gleaming skyscrapers, in the hollowed-out slums that resemble deserted ghost-towns, the notion of this city hosting the Republican National Convention that begins […]
Does Donald Trump win even if he loses?
By Nomi Prins with Craig Wilson | ( ) | – – “Establishment: A group in a society exercising power and influence over matters of policy, opinion, or taste, and seen as resisting change.” — Oxford Dictionary Early on in his presidential bid, Donald Trump began touting his anti-establishment credentials. When it worked, he […]
The other Casualty of Iraq War: The Country’s Whole Health System
Ahmed Aber | (The Conversation) | – – Thirteen years ago, American and British troops launched Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Iraqis were promised freedom from tyranny, but the subsequent destruction of the Iraqi state apparatus as well as the cycle of violence that continues to this day destroyed the health system that cared for the […]
What Would Trump Fascism Look Like? Eight Most Likely Traits
By Al Carroll | (Informed Comment) | – – Numerous analysts, journalists, publications, and scholars judge Mr. Trump to be a fascist. These range from academics to Newsweek to Salon to the New Republic to even Forbes magazine and conservatives like Max Boot and Jeb Bush. He is authoritarian, appeals to irrationality, is highly nationalistic, […]