By Juan Cole | — This week, the release by the Senate of a report on torture as practiced in the zeroes by the CIA, along with Thursday night’s dramatic vote on an omnibus spending bill, laid bare the shape of the GOP platform in 2016. (Some Democrats were dragooned into voting for the spending […]
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Republican Party
The Trial of Richard Bruce Cheney
By Juan Cole | — Satire alert : The hall at the International Criminal Court in the Hague was packed today as the trial began of former US Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney [they always give all three names of suspected felons in the newspaper.] The ICC justices begin with the first charge, that Mr. […]
McCain on Torture: A Stain on our National Honor, Produces Misleading Info
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) | — Candidate for the best American speech of this decade: “As the Senate Intelligence Committee’s CIA torture report roiled Capitol Hill Tuesday, Sen. John McCain framed the argument as one of moral clarity, all the while bumping up against his party leaders. “I rise in support of the release, the […]
GOP Squirms at Release of CIA Torture Report, warns of “Violence” (So why did they Torture?)
By Juan Cole | — Outgoing House Intelligence Committee head Mike Rogers (R-MI) was on Candy Crowley’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, speaking against releasing any details concerning CIA use of torture in the period after the September 11 attacks. The Senate report is due out this week and is already the object of […]
Why SecDef Hagel is Really Out: As usual, the War Party Won
By Tom Engelhardt ( It was the end of the road for Chuck Hagel last week and the Washington press corps couldn’t have been more enthusiastic about writing his obituary. In terms of pure coverage, it may not have been Ferguson or the seven-foot deluge of snow that hit Buffalo, New York, but the avalanche […]
Court allows Glenn Beck to be Sued For Defamation By Saudi He Constantly Defamed
By Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks) | — “”The conservative commentator Glenn Beck failed to persuade a federal judge to dismiss a defamation lawsuit by a Saudi Arabian student who Beck repeatedly accused of involvement in and being the “money man” behind the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. U.S. District Judge Patti Saris in Boston on […]
The Beltway Beast: How two Tribes in D.C. are Destroying the Middle Class
By Munir Moon The area inside the Beltway consists of Washington, D.C., and surrounding counties, and what I call the Beast includes defense contractors, lobbyists, Wall Street, think tanks, advocacy groups, journalists, foreign agents, and everyone else who wants something from our government. All of these congregate in the Beltway and are actively engaged in […]
Bush Admin. Spent Billions on an Iraqi Army with 50,000 “ghost” Soldiers
By Juan Cole | — Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi announced to his parliament on Sunday that inspectors had uncovered 50,000 non-existent soldiers in four divisions of the Iraqi Army. Their pay was presumably being diverted to the officers in the division. This ziggurat of corruption was one reason the army collapsed on June 9, […]
Rudy Giuliani Wants To Prosecute Ferguson Witnesses
The Young Turks | — “Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani weighed in on the Ferguson grand jury decision Tuesday night and said that if it were his case, he would prosecute some witnesses to the police shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown for lying about what they saw. In an appearance on Fox News’ […]