Colbert Report: Bill O’Reilly’s Defense of Inequality The Colbert ReportGet More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,Video Archive Raw Story reports on O’Reilly’s hysterical response: Bill O’Reilly lashes out at ‘ideological fanatic’ Stephen Colbert and his fellow ‘believers’ (via Raw Story ) Fox News host Bill O’Reilly fired back at Comedy Central counterpart Stephen Colbert […]
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Republican Party
2 GOP Latino Strategies Clash: Sen. Ted Cruz disses Jeb Bush’s ‘Immigration for Love’ Meme
(By Juan Cole) Sen. Ted Cruz criticized Jeb Bush for appearing to downplay the rule of law in arguing that undocumented immigration to the US is a crime of passion, resorted to out of an abundance of love for families in straitened circumstances. Cruz said that such an argument injures the sovereignty of the US […]
Is Rand Paul right that Cheney invaded Iraq for Halliburton Profits?
(By Juan Cole) David Corn at Mother Jones got the scoop: In 2009, Rand Paul gave a talk at Western Kentucky University in which he accused former vice president Dick Cheney of having gotten up the Iraq War to rescue his troubled oil services company, Halliburton, which– along with its subsidiaries– was awarded enormous no-bid […]
Pelosi: “Cheney Proud of ordering CIA Torture”; Sen A. King: ‘Waterboard Cheney!’
Dick Cheney has defended torture techniques so many times that a frustrated U.S. senator has finally offered to waterboard the former vice president. “The accusations are not true,” Cheney told college television station ATV last week. “Some people…
State Department Official Freaks Out That Declassifying CIA Torture Report Might Make The World Angry
While the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to declassify its $40 million, 6,300 page report detailing the CIA’s torture regime — including the facts that it went beyond what was authorized, produced no useful intelligence and then the CIA lied about…
Ted Cruz Pwned by own Facebook Poll on Obamacare (Young Turks)
Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks: “Facebook Poll Hilariously Backfires On Senator” Crooks & Liars writes: Ted Cruz, Don’t Ask The Question If You Don’t Want To Know The Answer (via Ted Cruz thought he could rile up his followers on Facebook by posting the following “straw poll”: Quick poll: Obamacare was signed into […]
Supreme Court enshrines Plutocracy, but Dissent says Conservatives Substituted Opinion for Fact
Central to the Supreme Court’s campaign finance decisions in the John Roberts era is that the government’s only legitimate interest in this area is preventing direct, quid pro quo corruption — a donor demanding that a specific law be passed, or…
Jon Stewart/ Daily Show: Adelson will accept “Outer Israel” as term for Occupied West Bank
The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Daily Show on Facebook Jon Stewart and Samantha Bee of The Daily Show send up “Zionist billionaire” Sheldon Adelson’s recent attempt to buy Republican presidential candidates and his imposition on them of euphemisms about the Israeli occupation of the West Bank.
Muslim victim of Boston Marathon bombing sues Glenn Beck for defamation and slander
A Muslim victim of the Boston Marathon bombing has sued Glenn Beck for defamation and slander after the talk show host accused him of funding the attacks. Race spectator Abdulrahman Alharbi filed a federal lawsuit against Beck and his companies, The…