By Gisela Pérez de Acha, Kathryn Hurd and Ellie Lightfoot | Berkeley Journalism’s Investigative Reporting Program | – The Insurrection: The Effort to Overturn the Election ( ProPublica) – It was 2:20 p.m. on June 6, 2020, and Steven Carrillo, a 32-year-old Air Force sergeant who belonged to the anti-government Boogaloo Bois movement, was on […]
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White Supremacists
Social Media and the Spread of Global Hate
( Foreign Policy in Focus ) – Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter helped right-wing populists take power. Can they now help rein them in? By John Feffer | April 14, 2021 One insidious way to torture the detainees at Guantanamo was to blast music at them at all hours. The mixtape, which included […]
Tucker Carlson touts ‘Replacement’ Conspiracy Theory; but his own Ancestor could have been Lynched
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Grand Dragon Tucker Carlson went on another Fox News show to push his streaming program, and while there was struck with diarrhea of the larynx, oozing amid loud excretions a hateful farrago of antisemitic white supremacy. He openly embraced the tin foil hat conspiracy theory of “replacement,” the notion that […]
Has the Far Right infiltrated the US Armed Forces?
By Nan Levinson | – ( ) – It was around noon and I was texting a friend about who-knows-what when I added, almost as an afterthought: “tho they seem to be invading the Capitol at the mo.” I wasn’t faintly as blasé as that may sound on January 6th, especially when it became […]
Racism is behind anti-Asian American violence, even when it’s not a hate crime
By Pawan Dhingra | – Over the past year, attacks on Asian Americans have increased more than 150% over the previous year, including the March 16 murders of eight people, including six Asian American women, in Atlanta. Some of these attacks may be classified as hate crimes. But whether they meet that legal definition or […]
Attacks on Asian Americans are Rooted in over a Century of Racist Exclusion
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The spine-chilling attacks on Asian-Americans around the country, in San Francisco, New York, and now most bloodily in Atlanta, are manifestations of a white supremacism that has deep roots in American history. The odious Trump and his minions whipped up hatred by branding the novel coronavirus the “Chinese flu” or […]
After the insurrection, America’s far-right groups get more extreme
By Matthew Valasik and Shannon Reid | – As the U.S. grapples with domestic extremism in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, warnings about more violence are coming from the FBI Director Chris Wray and others. The Conversation asked Matthew Valasik, a sociologist at Louisiana State University, and Shannon E. […]
We’re Stalked by the 4 Horsemen of Apocalyptic Media: Rush, Roger, Rupert, and The Donald May Ride Forever
By Robert Lipsyte | – ( – The Four Horsemen of our media apocalypse — Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, and Donald Trump — have ridden roughshod over us this past half-century leaving their hoofprints on our politics, our culture, and our lives. Two of them are gone now, but their legacies, including […]
The Byzantine Empire was Multicultural, So why are QAnon and White Supremacists Idolizing it?
By Roland Betancourt | – From Charlottesville to the Capitol, medieval imagery has been repeatedly on show at far-right rallies and riots in recent years. Displays of Crusader shields and tattoos derived from Norse and Celtic symbols are of little surprise to medieval historians like me who have long documented the appropriation of the Middle […]