TeleSur | – – Women’s rights activists view the ruling as a step toward granting Muslim women greater equality and justice. India’s Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional a Muslim practice that reportedly allows men to “instantly divorce” their wives, a move some claim is a landmark victory for Muslim women to get greater equality. The […]
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Tunisia: Landmark Step to Shield Women from Violence
Human Rights Watch | – – New Law Offers Protection, but Needs Funding (Tunis) – The law on violence against women, including domestic violence, approved by the Tunisian parliament on July 26, 2017, is a landmark step for women’s rights, Human Rights Watch said today. Tunisian authorities should ensure that there is adequate funding and […]
Turkish Women rally re: Abuse by Conservatives over Outfits
TeleSur | – – Istanbul has been widely viewed as a fairly liberal city for women and the LGBT community. On the weekend, hundreds of Turkish women marched in Istanbul to protest against the abuse meted out from men who demand they dress more conservatively. Women at the “Don’t Mess With My Outfit” March chanted […]
Saudi, slamming Qatar for Extremism, arrests Model for wearing Skirt in Public
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The intrepid Yaroslav Trofimov of WSJ said it all: Good luck to the Saudi PR campaign about how Qatar is the source of religious extremism in the Middle East. — Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) July 18, 2017 Saudi Arabia is leading a propaganda campaign falsely accusing […]
The Real Victims of Trump-Putin Illiberalism: Women
By Gail Ukockis | (Informed Comment) | – – When I first read about the Russian government decriminalizing domestic violence recently, my first thought was: it can’t happen here. Then I realized that the past year has been such a series of unbelievable political events that maybe such unconcealed misogyny could happen in the U.S. […]
Uber Can be Fixed; and Mideast Women Need It
By Neslihan Cevik | (Informed Comment) | – – While in such metropolises as New York or Istanbul, Uber is most famous for hacking the commercial taxi system, it has hacked something much bigger in places like Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In KAS, it is still unlawful for women to drive. Women who have […]
Freeing Fayza: A Journey to War-Torn Iraq to Rescue a Yazidi ISIL Slave Girl
By: Brian Glyn Williams and Christopher Natola | (Informed Comment) | – – It began with an electrifying text message from a Yazidi member of a network dedicated to freeing Yazidis (an ancient people from Northern Iraq who adhere to a faith rooted in old Iranian religion and influenced by Sufi mysticism). The message was […]
Demand-Side Slavery, Libyan Instability and European Crime Networks
Neil Thompson | (Informed Comment) | – – After several years in which refugees and migration have featured heavily in the Western media narrative, a disturbing correlation between human trafficking and conflict zones is well established. But new studies indicate that conflicts do not just cause human trafficking as refugees seek to flee warzones; wars […]
Iranian Women push back against Cleric who likened Loosely Veiled Women To Prostitutes
By Golnaz Esfandiari. | ( RFE/RL) | – – Judging women by the degree to which they respect the compulsory hijab is nothing new in Iran. In the past, hard-liners have accused so-called “badly veiled women” of being responsible for everything from social ills to natural disasters. But recent comments by the Friday Prayer leader […]