By Juan Cole Huffington Post Live Highlight: Juan Cole, “The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East” Related book: The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East
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Lauren Bacall’s Best Lines
via “Layla Raymanova” “here’re Lauren Bacall’s (1924-2014) best lines from the movie TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT.” Little-known fact: Lauren Bacall and former Israeli president Shimon Peres are first cousins, both with the birth name Perski.
A Discourse of sexualized violence rises among the Israel Firsters, including on Bill Maher
By Alex Shams BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — As the bombs have been falling on Gaza over the past four weeks, another war has been ongoing for the hearts and minds of the global public. Although less deadly, this war of words offers a telling look into ongoing intellectual shifts in the Israeli and Zionist mainstream, revealing […]
CIA Chief Shocking Admission: We spied on Senate staffers
By Jon Queally, Commondreams Yes, Admits CIA Chief, We Spied on Senate Panel Investigating Torture The findings of an internal investigation at the Central Intelligence Agency made available to the public on Thursday show that CIA agents did, in fact, spy on the Senate Intelligence Committee panel set up to investigate post-9/11 government torture under […]
Turkish Women Have Last Laugh on Twitter, Reject Gov’t Puritanism
Euronews: ‘ “A woman should not laugh in front of everyone. She should protect her honour.” These were the words which landed Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc in deep water this week.’ Euronews: “Turkey’s Women have the last Laugh” To be fair, Arinc used a word (kahkaha) that more means guffaw than laugh. But […]
A Subtle Alchemy: US Finds it easier to Occupy Abroad than to Withdraw
By Alan McPherson In 2003, former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld infamously foresaw victory in Afghanistan and Iraq as demanding a “long, hard slog” and listed a multitude of unanswered questions. Over a decade later, as President Obama (slowly) fulfills his promise to pull all US troops from Afghanistan, a different set of questions emerges. […]
Iraqi Idol: Tikrit Woman who Confronted ISIS Becomes Internet Sensation
By Osama Hassan | Tikrit Sad story: Tikrit woman Umiyia Jibara was killed by an ISIS sniper. In a country currently full of sad tales, the tragic death of a Tikrit women’s affairs adviser has drawn particular attention. The Sunni Muslim woman was supporting her family as they stood against Sunni Muslim extremists when she […]
Palestinians 66 Yrs Later: An Unsustainable Refugee Crisis
By Pierre Krähenbühl via EurActiv Commissioner General of the United United Nations Relief and Works Agency Pierre Krähenbühl writes on the unsustainability of the Palestine refugee crisis on World Refugee Day (20 June). 120 children were recently allowed out of Yarmouk, the Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, to sit public exams. The 14-year-olds emerged from […]
Can Egypt face up to its sexual assault problem?
At first, the blurry video of a celebration in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, captured by an onlooker’s cellphone, is difficult to make out. Fireworks explode nearby as the shaky camera captures a crowd of men, jostling and shouting. Then, flashes of a…